Monday, February 2, 2015

Star Trails

Star Trails 
A composition of 75 long exposure photos at 30 second intervals, at a 30 second exposure each. All shots were taken in Burkittsville, Maryland. 

One Frame

First Draft - With all 75 shots

Second Draft - Two frames taken out, only 73 shots in the photo

Final Draft - Two frames taken out, 73 shots in photo, levels changed in photoshop

                                                              Time Laspe (Video format)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ari, These photos are absolutely amazing. I love how you incorporate long exposures in order to portray the stars as moving rapidly. It is also visually pleasurable to see how you were able to manipulate the photo and then consolidate it all into one frame. I also like how you are able to visualize how bright the sun had been shining. The video is also extremely exemplary of how astounding your project turned out. It was quite the success.
